The Benefits of Bleisure Travel

Blurring the line between business and pleasure
Bleisure travel—the practice of adding leisure time onto business trips—is not a new phenomenon, but the trend has exploded in recent years. Part work, part play, this post-pandemic trend continues to grow. American Airlines reports that bleisure travelers comprise their fastest-growing traveler segment.1
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This should come as no surprise, with many employees returning to in-person conferences and meetings to connect. Extending business stays for leisure activities is a way for travelers to help prioritize their well-being.
If you plan to travel for business, here are a few reasons to extend your stay for some leisure activity:
Cost-effectiveness. The most obvious reason is the ability to visit a destination at a lower price-point. Since your employer covers travel costs, you’ll typically only need to pay for lodging and personal expenses incurred during the leisure portion of your trip. You may also be able to take advantage of hotel and car rental discounts available to business travelers.
Sustainability. Over half of surveyed business travelers report that the pandemic has made them more conscious of the environmental impact of traveling.3 Bleisure trips are a way to reduce your carbon footprint.
Less time away from family. If schedules permit, bringing family members along can reduce your time apart, which can be especially important for those who travel for business frequently. Business can often be conducted by day with sightseeing and family time at night and on weekends.
The opportunity to recharge. Business travelers increasingly value work-life balance and recognize the importance of rejuvenation during their trips. Adding leisure time to a business trip can lower stress levels, improve happiness, and can even boost productivity. One-third of surveyed business travelers shared that their most innovative concepts were conceived while on a business trip.4
Bleisure travel has many benefits, but it isn’t without risk. Trip cancellations, interruptions, and delays can upset the best laid plans, so it’s important to ensure you have the right travel protection. If you plan to add leisure time to your business trip, make sure there is a clear delineation between the professional and personal parts of your trip. Understand what is covered by your employer and what you’ll need to insure on your own—chances are you’ll be responsible for insuring your leisure lodging and activities. Trip protection is especially important if family members will be traveling separately to meet you at your destination.
As you plan for 2024, consider bleisure travel. And as you plan your bleisure travels, don’t forget to protect them with travel insurance. We offer a variety of travel insurance plans.
1 “What To Know About Bleisure Travel in 2024,”, January 2024.
2 “The Rise of the Bleisure Traveller,”, accessed April 2024.
3,4 “42 Bleisure Travel Statistics for 2024,”, January 2024.