Tips for a Happy Vacation in 2022

Making travel plans can brighten your mood.
As we start making up for lost vacation time, it’s not surprising that Americans are making big travel plans for 2022. In a recent American Express survey, nearly 70% of travelers say they expect to improve their mental well-being by taking a vacation next year.1
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So as you plan your travel for 2022, consider these tips for a happy vacation:
Take the road less traveled. As you’re considering travel destinations, look for locations off-the-beaten path and ways that your tourism can support local businesses and communities. Local trip planners, tour guides, and hotel employees are among the many who have suffered financially. And consider staying a little longer if you can swing it. After being home for so long, you’ll appreciate the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture.
Plan ahead. The sooner you plan, the more choices you’ll have. When the pandemic hit, many people pushed their travel plans into 2021 or 2022, leaving little availability at some popular destinations. So if you want to secure your ideal travel dates and access to the accommodations and activities of your choice, book early.
Use your travel rewards. As airlines and credit card companies report record numbers of accumulated points, experts are predicting mileage inflation. So spend your points and miles before they lose value, and continue using your credit cards strategically to garner rewards points for your next trip.
Check your passport. If there is a chance you’ll travel internationally, make sure your passport is current and it satisfies the six month validity passport rule. Most countries will not permit you to enter unless your passport is set to expire at least six months after your final day of travel. So if your passport has less than six months remaining until the expiration date, you should renew it right away.
Research travel restrictions. It’s important to make sure you’re aware of the current Covid situation and any restrictions at your destination. You can check the CDC website for a comprehensive map that shows risk levels in countries around the world along with travel guidelines for each. Be sure to check it frequently as your trip approaches.
Embrace flexibility. Enjoy the anticipation of your upcoming trip, but keep your plans flexible. Travel operators have changed their policies for booking, postponing, and canceling trips, so in many situations, you can easily cancel or change dates for your travel with no extra fees. But delays and cancellations are still bound to happen. The good news is you can hedge your bets with travel insurance. So once you’ve booked your trip, remember to insure it.
1“Amex Trendex: Consumers Prioritizing Wellness and Mental Health with their Time, Money and Travel Plans,” October 2021:
2Amex Trendex Study, October 2021.